Your well-being is found… (where will surprise you!)


Happy Mother’s Day ladies!!

Never give up on discovering your well-being. It is a lot closer than you might realize.

Make your life count – it does!


#TILT  #youareworthit

Thrive, by Arianna Huffington on Amazon


Don’t prepare the path for the child…

As the new landscaper looked in disgust at my dead flowers
in the front door pots, I…

smiled sweetly through gritted teeth as I greeted him. In my typical fashion,
I did not have time to replace my almost-dead winter flowers.
I was certain that he did NOT understand ALL that I have to do.
I just can’t keep everything alive!!

Since I just can’t do it al, I pick and choose. And I choose my kids.
“Don’t prepare the path for the child.
Prepare the child for the path.”  

Roots – values and standards to live by,
family traditions and time together, making memories that matter

Wings – letting your children make mistakes and live with consequences,
teaching your children life skills instead of doing it for them (laundry, take their car in for repairs, talk to their coach themselves),
helping them discover and develop their strengths and talents

By giving our children roots, we give them confidence, love and someone they know they can rely on.

By giving our children wings, we enable them to solve their own problems, be willing to try something new, and learn how to live life on their own.

By the way, my summer plants are alive. So far. Just give me a couple more months.

Happy Summer!!

 The #TILTtip in June is

Roots & Wings

Motherhood is not for sissies. That is why we have Mother’s Day.

Motherhood is not for sissies.

That’s why we have Mother’s Day. Because we deserve it.

That moment when…

Your child throws up in the car in the middle of your road trip.

Your child out of the blue refuses to wear button shirts. For 8 years.

Your child hands you a booger.

Your child tells you his art teacher is evil. Then insists on it repeatedly. In front of the principal.

Your child keeps telling you knock knock jokes. They are so bad you can’t even pretend laugh. But she won’t stop.

Your child takes off her shoes in the car, and you have to open the windows to breathe.

Your child belches so loudly in the restaurant that the cook in the kitchen had to hear it.

Your child trips and throws the bug bucket filled with dirt and worms all over an unexpecting woman.

That moment when…

They tell you they love you and don’t know what they would do without you. To infinity and beyond. Better than their favorite ice cream with whip cream and sprinkles on top. To the ends of the universe and back.

That’s why we have Mother’s Day. To celebrate it all.


Enjoy this wonderful day!!

Mother's Day 2016

There are women who have gone before us…

There are women who have gone before us…
(Chapter 7 Infographic Below)

We don’t have to figure out our motherhood and life all by ourselves. Sometimes we think that we do. But there are so many women who have gone before us, and they are happy to help us along our journeys.

“I would have given more focus daily to being my best spiritual, physical, and emotional self. Being my best within, would enable me to be my best for my children.”

Brenda Conley, Mother of four, Grandmother of two
Read, or re-read, some of the wonderful wisdom from these women in TILT, starting on page 217.

Let others help you along the way.
Warm regards,

#workingmoms #parents

After my struggles as a working mom of 4…

After my struggles as a working mom of 4, why I wrote this book to help other #workingmoms #TILT on page vii!

Why You and I Need to Read This Book


“TILT – 7 Solutions to Be A Guilt-Free Working Mom”


The secret to happy, long term relationships is…

The secret to happy, long term relationships with anyone in your life is?

Read page 142+ #TILT

Communication Page 142


“TILT – 7 Solutions to Be A Guilt-Free Working Mom”

It is hard to stand aside when our children are #failing, but…

It is hard to stand aside when our children are #failing, but maybe that is the most important time to.

Let Them Fail page 175


#TILT page 175
#parenting #workingmoms
“TILT – 7 Solutions to Be A Guilt-Free Working Mom” 

The #TILTtip in July is “Wings”

“Oops I forgot that! My brain must be broken!”
Chloe, Age 7

 The #TILTtip in July is


Tilt_Graphic - July Wings

So often we beat ourselves up with guilt, thinking that we should be that “Wonder Woman” mom like “all” the other moms are.

I have to tell you – behind closed doors none of us are Wonder Woman moms.  Everyone has their own struggles or worries or responsibilities.

One of the biggest causes of our guilt is this idea that we have to do way too much FOR our children.

In fact, the best thing we can do is teach them how to do it for themselves. 

So remind yourself that when we teach them, we give them WINGS. And we give wings to ourself.

Here’s to our wings!

Each month in 2015, I will share with you one challenge
to focus on to help yourself grow.  This is your year. 

On Twitter
TILT on Amazon 

“The Amazing Adventures of Ellie The Elephant” on Amazon

Mother’s Day…Laughing and Crying

To all the mothers out there for Mother’s Day –

Marci Poem IMG_1597

Everyday should be Mother’s Day. We never stop caring, driving, helping, swinging, washing, learning, shopping, swimming, or hugging (and more). 

My hope is that on this special day just for you, Mother’s Day, instead of sighing or crying, you will be laughing and smiling.

Not because your life is “perfect”,
but because you remember that you are perfectly loved.

May you keep it in your heart!

Be Inspired, and Inspiring,

Mother’s Day Kindle ebook SALE! “TILT – 7 Solutions to Be A Guilt-Free Working Mom”


I honor of all the overwhelmed working moms and dads out there, I am putting “TILT – 7 Solutions to Be A Guilt-Free Working Mom” (Kindle version) on SALE for Mother’s Day!!

It starts at $.99!! on Thursday 4/30/15, gradually going back up to its full price by Thursday 5/6/15.  Purchase it HERE.

Gift a copy to your mom, to a friend who needs it, or to yourself!!!

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Happy Mother’s Day to all the deserving parents out there!
