#TILTtip Book Club – The Five Secrets You Must Discover Before You Die


We all struggle with so many different directions we can focus. How do we know what  to focus on? John Izzo’s book helps us self discover what could matter most.

John interviewed 200+ people over age 60. “To live wisely we must recognize that there are two fundamental truths about a human life.
#1 The first is that we have a limited and undefined amount of time –
it may be 100 years, it may be 30.
#2 The second is that in that limited and undefined amount of time we have an almost unlimited number of choices of how to use our time – and those choices ultimately define our lives.”

Read his book to get a better understanding of how to have
more happiness, and love, in your life. 



Marci Fair



Ever have one of those days?!

Ever had one of those days??

It is that time of year with the kids out of school and the life juggling goes to another level. Sometimes it feels like donkeys are all around,
or they are at least trying to eat us.


Allow yourself to “tread water” some and don’t pressure yourself for perfection,

take a deep breathe and focus instead on what makes this “season” in your life special,

watch funny youtube videos for a brain break (check out Studio C),

and (take action) go have an ice cream with someone little around you
who loves you so much.
Sooner than you realize, you will be chasing them down instead of the reverse.

Many wishes for a sweet summer season
making memories with those you love, 


(P.S. The Pudgy photo above is from our next Ellie book coming out this fall –
“Ellie’s Fun Day at the Farm.”
We had to rescue Pudgy before she became lunch!)

Motherhood is not for sissies. That is why we have Mother’s Day.

Motherhood is not for sissies.

That’s why we have Mother’s Day. Because we deserve it.

That moment when…

Your child throws up in the car in the middle of your road trip.

Your child out of the blue refuses to wear button shirts. For 8 years.

Your child hands you a booger.

Your child tells you his art teacher is evil. Then insists on it repeatedly. In front of the principal.

Your child keeps telling you knock knock jokes. They are so bad you can’t even pretend laugh. But she won’t stop.

Your child takes off her shoes in the car, and you have to open the windows to breathe.

Your child belches so loudly in the restaurant that the cook in the kitchen had to hear it.

Your child trips and throws the bug bucket filled with dirt and worms all over an unexpecting woman.

That moment when…

They tell you they love you and don’t know what they would do without you. To infinity and beyond. Better than their favorite ice cream with whip cream and sprinkles on top. To the ends of the universe and back.

That’s why we have Mother’s Day. To celebrate it all.


Enjoy this wonderful day!!

Mother's Day 2016

After my struggles as a working mom of 4…

After my struggles as a working mom of 4, why I wrote this book to help other #workingmoms #TILT on page vii!

Why You and I Need to Read This Book


“TILT – 7 Solutions to Be A Guilt-Free Working Mom”


Mother’s Day…Laughing and Crying

To all the mothers out there for Mother’s Day –

Marci Poem IMG_1597

Everyday should be Mother’s Day. We never stop caring, driving, helping, swinging, washing, learning, shopping, swimming, or hugging (and more). 

My hope is that on this special day just for you, Mother’s Day, instead of sighing or crying, you will be laughing and smiling.

Not because your life is “perfect”,
but because you remember that you are perfectly loved.

May you keep it in your heart!

Be Inspired, and Inspiring,

January #TILTtip – #Dreams

What will we do with this gift of another year? 

Each month in 2015, I will share with you one challenge to focus on to help yourself grow.  This is your year. 

The #TILTtip in January is to Dream.

Tilt_Graphic - Jan Dreams
It is a new year. We each have a fresh start on our calendar.
What we choose to put on it will become our year, our experiences and our memories.

This month I want to encourage you to focus on one Dream that is important to you. Make one step towards it this month. Put on your calendar to make that call, send that email, request that information that you need. Make one step forward…to accomplish a dream this year that you have wanted to do.
Don’t let another year go by.

Here’s to your dreams,

TILT is helping over 2800 moms now!!



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I love to help working mothers overcome their working mom guilt! I am delighted that it is already reaching this many parents. Read it for some easy, real -life parenting tips! It is available on Amazon 

Being a good mother is not about…

5-14 Being A Mother Is Not

Children should be taught…

8-14 Children should be taught


Love this mom-inspiration!